

my brother's been walking around the house, singing this song, for the past couple days. it wasn't until today that i realized it was the perfect song to kick off the new year! what better way to start fresh than to make a change within yourself. that is my goal for this year: take a look at myself, and then make a change to make the world around me a better place.

i started my changes within myself by deleting my facebook account. shocked?

i decided that i was spending way too much time involved on the drama that wasn't even real life. online, there are so many things to distract me from what's really important in life: getting good grades, developing my relationships with my friends and family, reading my scriptures, praying, cooking, exercising. . . there are a billion BETTER things i could be doing than getting on facebook. so i deleted it.

i feel accomplished. ridiculous, right?

i have other goals for this year. i'm going to show 2012 and the rest of the world who shaylee wilcox is! i'm going to read my scriptures every single day. i'm going to write in my journal. i'm going to play the piano. i'm going to sing. i'm going to study and get a 3.5 gpa this semester or above. i'm going to work 20 hours each week. i'm going to make new friends. i'm going to develop my testimony. i'm going to exercise daily.

it's going to be hard to make changes in my life. but i can do hard things!

here's to a wonderful, challenging, beautiful, prosperous new year! 2012!

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