

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you!

top ten reasons why i love my best friend jewels:

#1:  we laugh.  a lot.  one of my favorite things to do is laugh with julia.  we have basically the same sense of humor and it is soooo great.  julia can always make me laugh, even when it feels like the world is ending and all i want to do is die.  when i was sick last year, jewels brought me a powerade with a ton of our inside jokes written on it.  it made me feel 1000 times better!  she is good at making any bad situation better :)

#2:  we cry.  not a lot, but sometimes.  it is the best to have a friend to cry with.  the best cry session we ever had was one night at byu... i walked over to julia's apartment, asked if i could borrow her room, and we sat in there and cried our eyes out on the bed together.  we laugh together AND cry together.  i love it. 

#3:  jewels is sooooo good at giving advice.  i love talking to her about everything under the sun -- be it boys, family, friends, boys, school, work, boys, church, self, boys... julia always has great things to say and prime advice to offer.  we can talk for hours on end and never get sick of it!  we joke that we talk about the same things over and over, but we never get sick of hearing about each other's dramas and stories!  in high school, we nicknamed her "oprah" because she was always so good at listening and advising!  julia is a fantastic listener.  such a great quality to have in a best friend!

#4:  she sets goals and follows through with them.  totally not a strong point of mine.  but she always has been a great example to me of getting things done.  she is super organized and always has a plan for EVERYTHING.  i think i need to be a little more like that haha.

#5:  she is a dang good student.  her study skills are soooo much better than mine.  this kind of goes along with number four... julia always puts the effort in and studies for tests, goes to class, takes good notes, and wants to succeed.  she's a good example to me like that!

#6:  she likes to do things i like to do!  dance party, shop, go running, eat (bahaha), dance party, write in her journal, blog, dance party... it's super fun to do things together because we like the same things! we are always having tons of fun together. 

#7:  she has a strong testimony and pushes me to be better.  that's what true friends are for, right?

#8:  she isn't afraid of who she is.  she's funny and crazy and fun and she's not afraid to show it!  it doesn't matter what people say, she'll be julia marin snow whether they like it or not! haha i  love this!

#9:  gangsta dancing is her specialty.  nothing like throwin' on the dude shorts, the dude jacket, a nice high side pony, and rockin' out.  yo yo all my homies....

#10:  we made it through high school together and are still best friends in college.  not many can say that!  we learned a lot in high school and we were always there for each other no matter what!  to this day, we are still there for each other -- learning and growing and laughing and crying and making our way through life!  BFFs yo!

love ya sis!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Aw thanks Shay!!! You are the best friend I could ever ask for! I almost shed a tear reading this...actually I did. It's gone now haha thanks for calling me early this morning haha love you!