

yes, yes that's right folks.  this week, I ATE SUSHI FOR THE FIRST TIME.  it was erin and aubrey's birthdays this week so i trekked down to Provo and all my girls and i went out for sushi!  i was actually pleasantly surprised to find out that i liked most of it a lot!

the one covered in raw fish / fish eggs. 

if that's not the grossest thing you've ever heard of or seen in your life, i don't know what is.  the fish eggs reminded me of the one time i've been fishing with my grandpa and the fish that i caught laid eggs all over the boat.   DIS GUST ING.

buuuut, i mean, i guess i should get used to it. i'm sure they eat raw stuff in Hong Kong!

there it is... the one on the left... nooo thank youuuu.

not sure why this is so blurry...
jaydynn, ashley, julia, aubrey, melina, me, and erin.  SUSHI YA! 

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