

today i got a 70 on my american heritage test. considering that i've been studying for the past almost-week, i was a bit disappointed. study sessions, lavender rice bags, hours devoted solely to this dreaded subject, 7:30 am wake up on a saturday for a review session, talking to the ta, and more studying... that's what got me a 70. kill me.

sometimes, when you just feel like life is too much, and the rain outside threatens to make you want to pull your hair out, you have to put your sweats on, drink some hot chocolate, and curl up to take a nap. it's just necessary. (and, just to add, it was probably the BEST nap i have ever had. ever.)

getting ready is so inconvenient, i find myself dreading it. would anyone really have a problem with me showing up to school in pajama bottoms and an over-sized T-shirt? and my moccasin slippers?

okay, yeah, i guess i should get ready.

the snow on the mountains, while it is pretty, makes me want to move somewhere tropical. where is the season we call fall? the leaves are still green down here, weatherman. and yet the white stuff floating around in the air and the fact that i can see my breath spells winter. BOO. however, it is kinda fun to be here at school with all these people who have never seen snow before. they're going out of their minds crazy about it. "snow! snow?! oh my gosh, it's snowing! can you see that?!" and i just want to say, "yeah, snow. it comes in october and it doesn't leave until april or may, and by january i'm sick of it." and one more thing about snow. people who post "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!" on facebook drive me crazy. it's not even halloween yet, people!

i just read the above paragraphs. i sound like negative nancy. sorry.

(switching to positive polly.)

it's always fun to make a big pot of mac and cheese and bust open the oreos. maybe some chocolate ice cream? bring on the freshman 15! haha! (i'm kidding. kind of. i don't eat like that all the time. in fact, i've been rather proud of myself. thanks, mom, for teaching me how to eat healthy. even though i made fun of you for it.)

i love my roommates. all ten of them. and you wonder, how can that be? wyview has three girls to an apartment! well, my roommates are really dana and morgan. and dana's roommate over the summer was elyse. and dana's best friend from high school is melina. and melina's roommates are allie and haley. and julia is my best friend. and her roommates are tessa and jessica. and julia's roommate from the summer was aubrey. and there you have it -- ten girls. i consider them all my roommates, and some of my best friends :)

i've been pretty good about bedtime this week (figuring that it would help my score on my american heritage test! fat chance). tonight is an exception. 2 am again, oops. sorry, mom. i'll be better. this scatterbrained brain needs its rest.

goodnight blog. until next post.

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