

this week, i've been thinking a lot about my life. i know it isn't the new year quite yet, but i figure i'll make some resolutions prior to 2012:
  • be the best shaylee wilcox i can be! this means that when i meet new people, i'm going to show them exactly who i am. i'm not going to mess around, pretending to be someone i'm not. i want people to walk away, feeling happy they were able to meet me.
  • be nice to everyone. i don't know what walk of life everyone is coming from. i don't know every circumstance. but i am going to give everyone a chance.
  • be willing to show the lord that i am his. i need to remember to do everything the lord asks of me, big or small. i am his daughter and i intend to be an obedient daughter. i want him to be proud of me. jesus christ atoned for my sins, and i am so grateful for the gift of the atonement. it really is an amazing blessing in my life.
  • be prepared to face the future. the past is behind me. i have had a good life, and have been blessed in countless ways, and i need to remember that i have a bright future! d&c 45:62 says, "for verily i say unto you, that great things await you." (thank you, dana, for showing me that amazing scripture!) it is so true -- there are so many things i have to look forward to, if i am striving to always choose the right.
  • be standing in holy places at all times. i want to have the spirit with me always!
  • be optimistic! life is so wonderful. . . nothing is worth complaining about.
  • be more grateful. i have so much to be grateful for!
making a list always solidifies these things in my head. working toward a better me, that's what i'm trying to do every day!

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