my freshman year at BYU has come to a close.
and that is a weird thought.
i always pictured my first year so much differently. i didn't picture myself having the time of my life with my roommates who quickly became my best friends. i didn't picture myself struggling so much with school... yeah, it's pretty hard. i didn't see my testimony growing as much as it did or see myself changing so much. but i did, and it's done, and i am home for the summer now, excited to make new goals and become an even better person.
here's a recap of everything that's gone on this year...
in august, we had our first outing together! we went to california pizza kitchen.
i feel like we've all changed a lot, looks-wise. well, maybe not a lot, but a little bit at least. especially morgan. she looks so young!
girls' nights in were always the best. secrets were shared, nails were painted, boys were bashed, and junk food was devoured! :)
late night study sesh. of course.
this was about 2 in the morning... walking across wyview... looking a little homeless.
i'm not really sure why we put green shirts on our heads, but this was a good time nonetheless.
photo booth became one of our best friends.
football season was so much fun!
we danced in the rain,
went to the mall (many times),
tried the sinful 7 cake at zupa's (which you should not eat by yourself, it's dangerous),
made countless trips to wal-mart for groceries,
and took more pictures on photo booth.
we did a lot of movie watching with lots of blankets,
took a road trip to st. george,
and napped. all the time!
we nerdy danced one night away.
and in addition to girls' nights in, had many girls' nights out!
we exercised...
... and ate a lot of junk.
i definitely didn't want to spend money on a haircut, so my roommate cut it in the kitchen!
we were way too excited to see the hunger games.
we went to midnight movie premieres,
went on some fun dates,
and said goodbye to this kid as he left on his mission!
we eavesdropped on conversations,
doorbell ditched cookies,
and played a lot of pranks! (in this picture, melina fell asleep, and haley piled a bunch of stuff on top of her. she didn't even wake up.)
we went to the temple many times,
went to lots of dance parties (this one was vegas themed),
and rocked out in the car! :)
we hiked the Y on our last night in provo,
and then moved our mattresses to the living room and had a sleepover.
i love this girl, jewels, my bff
and these lovely ladies: morgan, melina, and haley, roommates and instant best friends.
my freshman year was nothing short of amazing. i'm thankful to have come so far in my life and thankful to those who have helped me get here! looking forward to many more good times to come!
wow love love love this post!! :) love you shaylee!!
Wow. Was I even a part of your freshman year?
You're in tons of pictures you weirdo! Did you want a shout out? haha
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